Just a word

Hi, Im writting here for a table top story game amongst friends. Im also posting thoughts and such in my head from time to time, enjoy.. no stealing if you want to use my works shoudl I post anything of interest, please keep my name Ravenlie attatched to it, and an email of intended use. also this also became a dumping ground of bullcrap.. and we use cookies appearantly.. dunno if th enotice works.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Dear Nalia

I want to run, i want to go so faraway I want this to end. today
i waant to go some where it isn't fun, I want to go and take you away.

everything around me feels like a joke, fake and wasted.

I want to talk to you. like all teh otehrs .. I want to show you my world, I want you to see what needs to be seen. I want you to be taking from things I can not control.. Im going to try this again.. I tried last night..

Dear Nalia, my love, my daughter

I've been staring at this white screen for Several hours. Daddy wants to talk to you. i dont know how to. Well.. um. I miss you a whole lot yea know. I hope. I didn't get to much time with you, we both know thats true. doesn't change how much I love you though. you mean so much to me, but I have such a hard time here.

Oh, god.. where do I start. well baby girl, it's liek this see. I didn't want you to go. I wanted to show you so much. Like how ties up yer shoes, blow bubble gum bubbles.. I wanted to be ther to help you ride a bike.

who am I kidding.. i'm here now, writting to you because I can't let you go. i dont want to even consider the idea. Even if it means I spend my years in an endless cycle of grief. you meant so much to me. you DO mean so much to me. you have the right to know. when I heard your mommy tell me you were coming. I was so affraid. i was so affriad of what we as a family would do. you see baby girls, you dad's a fool.. we were in such a bad home. there was drugs wafting from the neighbors, the house wreaked of mildew and rusted nails sticking out of everywhere. it was no place for a beautiful baby girl.

i was so affraid of how we would be able to pay the bills. I wasn't working much, and Im still not working. between the money and the place I was so scared.. and yes as much as it kills me to say the mention of aborting came up. you see thats why mommy calls me a murderer. my fears over took the happyness i had. i'm so sorry .. I couldn't be strong enough to hold it above everything else. I didn't want to give up and I truely didn't. yea the topics of what we were going to do came up and passed.

Nalia I wish you could beleive in me. I want to have you in my arms again so much and im so sorry I blew it. missunderstanding or not, from that one basic second, inifinitly endless moment I failed you, me and mommy were at odds. we weren't liek most with fighting and such.. we knew enough to know better.

There is so many times, I wanted to put my hand on your mothers tummy. just to be there with you and her. I dont thik I ever did, or got that chance. that whole time was so blurry.
I wish I could see you, I wish I could see the look on your face, or feel your take my finger in your hand. some could call me insane, or at least unstable.. I dont care. I can hear you I know its my mind making it up out of shear will .. but I dont care because Its nothing more then a symbol of exactly how much I wanted you and pay's tribute to the fact that even though I made one mistake when I was weak with fear, That I do love you, and want you. i hope you know there was never any merit to the idea.. if was nothing more then a fleeting suggested out of fear.

you'd be one now. I wonder if you'd have blond hair.. what your eye color would be..I wish I could see you. I wonder if you'd be talking.. and what yoru first words were. this past years asi'm sure you have been watching has beeen pretty rough. i've continued with my failure's into a downward spiral of hate and malice all the while clinging desprately to some kind of hope. so I haven't totally failed, not yet.
so many hours have past tonight of me just staring at this screen, forcing myself to face what has happened to you. i've never cried so much in my entire life. I fell like i have to though. i have to face what I did. I have to be blamed for everything. I have to pay for my mistake and for you I would pay for all time. even if it doesn't make a difference.

the only things i've ever wanted to truely say is im sorry and how much I love you. i've wanted to say this to you so bad, and to your mother. I come here to beg your forgivness because yer mom doesn't want to accept that I am truely sorry that things went like this. so I turn to you, ignorantly putting on you even though you dont deserve that weight.. and thats what tonight is about. that why i'm hear facing all the pain inside. this letter is just getting out of hand now..I can feel the anger bulding up. it is there because I truely dont feel your death was my fault.

your mother says other wise, but the only sense I can make of it is when I said abortion.. and from that she derived this idea I didn't care or want you. hense me being a murderer. it just wasn't like that. im not like that. but from that point on it was my fault. i dont think there was a "real person" to blame. I dont know what happend.. no that isn't right and you know that. but you also know I can't say that.

it seems my thoughts have flipped again, i've become malicious and vindictive..

I love you Nalia, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and i am Truely sory I have failed to be your father

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