Just a word

Hi, Im writting here for a table top story game amongst friends. Im also posting thoughts and such in my head from time to time, enjoy.. no stealing if you want to use my works shoudl I post anything of interest, please keep my name Ravenlie attatched to it, and an email of intended use. also this also became a dumping ground of bullcrap.. and we use cookies appearantly.. dunno if th enotice works.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Ride Home

Current mood:lonely
It was cold, I was so tired, I hate ridding busses so it wasn't like i was going to sleep ,there was a few of us on the bus that night. not that I was paying any care to it, the only concern I had was a scuffle outside the buss with a drunk and the driver refusing his ticket.. thankfully the driver won with the police help he was removed.
The bus lerched forward, I took off my jacket content in knowing I had the back of the hound to myself. I didn't see her, I didn't know she was watching me. the faint smell of her french perfume wafted near me, but unfazed I pulled out my loved copy of dante's inferno.
Slowly reading through page by page, I failed to notice she had moved into the seat closes to the walk way. It wasn't until the bus shuddered and the sound of the sleep rails (sleep rail- series of divits cut into the shoulder of the road to alert you when your drifting to close to the edge.) rattled me to attention that I noticed her. I jumped up dropping my hard cover book onto my groin I grunted at a mild pinch of pain.
In the hue of blue from the back lights of the bus I stared directly into her beautiful chestnut eyes, watching them shimmer in the passing lights of a car going the oposit direction. time stopped, and allowed me to burn her face into my mind, her cheeks strong and firm yet rounded just enough to give her soft, almost caring look to her. when she smiled at me with her midnight black lips revealing her polished teeth perfectly allined. her pale skin looks as though she was dead or had been frozen maybe.. with the contrast of the lighting and her make up. her hair flowed staticless around her slender smooth flawless neck, as though it was made of statin. resting solftly around the neck of her leather trench.
cocking my head slightly to the side as if to silently inquire if she needed anything, I was about to actually talk to this undead goddess but I couldn't. spell bound, entranced by her flawless, divinely awe striking beauty I was powerless.. I couldnt move. I was .. afraid. I could feel my self beging to shudder with embarasment. I could feel a cold bead of sweat begining to form just under my hairline. had the driver turn on the heat.. I couldn't tell.. I wanted to move, I wanted to say something.. I couldn't.. the fear consumed me. me of all people the guy that can walk down young street in T.O while wearing a black pvc fetish gear in broad daylight while singing lala'byies... couldn't talk or move. I didn't want her to go, I didn't want her to get "wierded" out by my staring. I was afraid to beak this moment.
as though time herself understood my desire for it to wait just only a moment, I sat there watching as her lips form into a curl, her hand raising up and over me, picking up my book in slow motion.. " I love dante's work." her voice was to me as the voice of a siren, calling to me.. filling me with goose bumps. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stiffen.
" And what do I owe the honor of your divine undead presence?" I calmly and slowly whispered out.. thinking to myself.. no screaming to myself " you Fucking Lame punk bitch ass fool.. what the fuck did you do the cheese line ffor.."
she turned placing one of her pale smooth knees on the seat between us, bringing her other leg forward and using her hands to crawl her way gracefully to my ear. her sweet breath sending the warmest shivers across my ear and spine as she spoke " read to me, the tails of the lustful circles of hell." I felt like I was in love, my veins instantly let a flame, burning pure white, my eyes cleared and it seemed as though I was seeing life though a HD (high deffinition) TV.
I watched her reach up to turn of the over head light, pausing only to check on the driver, who was blindly driving away. the backlight of the bus was enough for me to see the words, with her slim firm body press hard into mine as though she was cold, I began. It wasn't until I was into the flow of the peom that she again leaned into whisper another secret to me. nibbling on my neck, I did the best I could to maintain the flow of the write, she whispered to me " if you promis not to touch me, I promis I'll touch you". I lost my flow.. how could I not.. I nodded while I picked when I left off. I reread the second cantos of hell to her pretty much the rest of the way to T.O. only stopping when needed to. I would if I thought I could describe what she did to me on that trip. but alsas I have no more words for you. but in rememberance even now I shake from it. her touch so warm, her kiss like deep spiced wines of lore. her intoxicating voice wishpering sinful bliss. I know her name, but I will not for respect.
this is my trip to toronto. the women of my dreams, in a sence. the one girl I could feel .. by feel I mean feel the emotions she was expressing that night.
you may beleive this, you may not.. personally I dont give a fuck lol.. because I'll never forget this. .not for even a moment ..

in final note, my kitty is 3 this year I beleive, and i'll coment on the other coments I've gotten soon as I can.

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