WARNING, SOME OF THIS STUFF MAY NOT BE FOR KIDS, CURSING, ADULT LIKE CONTENT. VIOLENCE AND SUGESTIIVE/SEXUAL CONTENT. AND NO NOT PORN OR SMUT... Hi, Im writting here for a table top story game amongst friends. Im also posting thoughts and such in my head from time to time, enjoy.. no stealing if you want to use my works shoudl I post anything of interest, please keep my name Ravenlie attatched to it, and an email of intended use. also this also became a dumping ground of bullcrap.. and we use cookies appearantly.. dunno if th enotice works.
Monday, August 20, 2012
old blogs part 3
another couple of posts, from the shorter stuff
*song - Mad World*
got home this morning.. I'm tired.. I feel so old, dried up and useless.. I am not hung over although this weekend was filled with drinking. a rare things for me. a pint and I want to go to sleep usually.. this weekend I realized I haven't grown up as much as I trusted myself. the bus ride to T.O was awsome.. I mean I'll get into that in its own time.. because the events in that ride deserve more .. the weekend was amazing when I was sober.. I got to see some of reg and susi's wedding tapes. heard reg's speach.. that hit home on more then one level. I know what he said in his speach about how I how I helpped him hook up with suszi was in the best of playing around.. but hes struck true when refering to me as a drunking shit desturber.. not that I would try to denie it, I was back then.. and sfter this wekend I can not say other wise, mind ou I didn't raise any shit this time *chcuckles* I just got blitzed and spent 3/4 of my cash at a skin club... good thing my next cheque is coming on the 2 feb so I can pay the rent..
sent papers out. waitting on gov to k..
mental note.. find more women open to one nighters, for visits to random cities across ont. cause coming to T.O rocks. getting drunk as I am rocks.. but not getting a peice cause all your old connections moved blows.. more on this later though.. had one hella bus ride to T.O
crazy haze
wow crazy crazy day.. I swear sometimes there a voodoo dool roamin around some where.. wierd pains in me head sharp peircing pains its weird.. they go away so I'm not concerned... I've had then for years now, anyway to is good, not much different from the last day cept.. its good, I'm happy and shits feeling alright.. be getting light headed but meh, I cut back on smoking so thats prolly done it. the room mate found out she has to have her gull bladder removed, an enlarged liver and some thing to do with a a limp in her ... ermm some place I can't remember where.. but I hope.. I hope this helps her so much.. I hope it takes most of her pains away so that she can get on with her life.. its the first time the doctors have said anything thats made sense to me.. I dont want her to suffer and I dont want her to sit on the couch the rest of her life, I want to see her excel where she wants, to make her dreams come reality.. its what makes what ever I have givin up for her worth it. its a secret hope mind you, one that she may read here.. but I'll not reveal it.. she has to become her self.. and depended on only her self.. my hands no longer reach to help her up anymore..
okay side of that I been holding up papers looking at them and putting them back in the draw.. there forms for grants, loans and small bussiness info.. I have a bussiness plan, I have all teh infromation ready and filled out. I just need to sign it. soon i figure. its an online bussiness its simple with low over head, and a lil secret weapon that has yet to been done.. I know 4 years watching and researching to make sure.. but still I come home look at the forms all I gotta do is sign.. I dont know I say, am I ready..
maybe I haven't grown up all that much... maybe I just need to suck it up and get over myself..
no dreams now.. no sleeping until tomorrow. after work.
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