Look, see?
no.. no I dont.
why? why cant you see .. you should know? shouldn't you
can't say.
yea, yes you can. you can say everything and know its true, just as much as it's not.
then why cant I see.
you can.. you know you can. maybe you dont want to.
what dont know you. you have had the pieces for so long and you cant' put them together. how can you wake up every day like this? how can you look at yourself in the mirror. how is it you can live?
I... it hurts, it hurts alot.
then why?
I cant see
you can.
tell yourself that everyday and it doesn't seem to change a thing.
you have two paths before you. maybe you should choose one.. its been how many years?
to many. I can't choose. there isn't a choice I can see. I have to be like this?
eh.. fake. and pathetic. why do you even look in the mirror anymore. why do you come here if you not going to listen.
I dont understand what you say..
its pain. its fire. its hate. its sad.. so sad.. so cold and lonely, I hate it I dont want it.. it wont leave me alone and no one wants to listen to me .. how can I deal, what can I say, do? I know what to do but that doesn't fix it.. it doesn't make it.. it hurts to much I can't see through the pain.. but the pain has no substance to blind me and I can't see.
Im down.. down under.. gone sunken below the water.. over down.. fallen .. so far, I fell so far and I hit bottom I bounced.. no breath.. no air.. no room I can't move .. it throbs.. I was tossed about. a rag doll.. I saw then I saw Everything I. I saw what I had to see.. I cant see now. I cant I want to? do I ? what do I know.. whats there hurting so much I can't see it.
the camps are scary. the plans.. the end of the world. the whole thing everything the people know and see not the care to fight to stop it. you need to fight, you need to terror up the system before the roots are firm you need to fight before its to late.
think of you families.. their families the kids the future the pain to ensue.. for the power orgasim of a select few that know whats going on.. it needs to be stopped before people get hurt..
back to the pain.. back to fear back to the hate.. backwards ... I fell ? did I ? or was it taken from me? ... alter your perception.. to do this apply the correct EMF fequency in pulse format across wide open space.. the radio towers can pick it up and re-transmit the signal hense bringing about mass delusions.
is it real? the world we see.. is there a reason we say everything taste like chicken? is it a farce. is it more then the fact our brains dont understand some flavors and hense fill the gap.. so many gaps so many many gaps its there are we that blind.. yes. our brain its a living unit of quantics. using the quantum process of Entanglement to make decissions based on electromagnetic/biochemical-catalystic reactions as inputs.
Gaze i dare you. I Dare you to pick one thing from you sight and tell me you know Absolutely its there and its real. Do you think your commercially saturated main stream top 40's nit wit mind frame can handle the fact that no.. in all realistic perception, no its not 100% that its there. that it is possible to repalce reality for a digitally enduce EMF reality.
what if you can't? what would happen to your mind when you realize it isn't what you thought. that when you wake up your already nothing more then a mindless drone processing the purposes of those in control? ponder that. think about it. what would you do? or anyone else for that matter with a weak mind? in this world we have mentally deranged minds.. raping, murding, stealing, and hearing voices, seeing things that arnt there.. so called "ghost" (that can be tracked with a EMF meter??? wierd that such things can come together.. maybe the pysco's arn't all that pysco.
what would happen if some one of said above mind set would glimps into the true reality? would they snap? would they go crazy? truely you might agree that such things are such a possiblity. then what of us? what of our loved ones? our families? our lives? what can we do ? what should we do? what if in your true reality your body was sold as a slave to the deviant perversions of some one in control? to come to the reality of being sadisticly twisited and raped over and over for the sole purpose of something elses fun? would you not go insane? knowing that your family is fated like this? knowing theres nothing you can do to fight back?
would you cry? would you murder ? would you ... would you give up?
it hurts. but I can not see it. it hurts so much and I cry. everytime. it hurts for so long and all I want to do is scream at you. I hate you.. I didn't invite this.. I didn't look for you, I didn't ask you into my mind.. Leave my heart, leave my soul. leave my life alone.. I have no name for you demon. and yet ive know you all my life.. the pain you bring, so seductive, so heated in fire and hate.. . I didn't want this.. I dont know how it came to me.. but its here with me.. together.. we are one, we are many... we are legion. we are the death of life.. and the pains of sorrow, in every hated tear I cry I hear you scream, with every buring painful breath I feel your fires... in life, in death.. do not repent, there is no end to the insanity
Just a word
Hi, Im writting here for a table top story game amongst friends. Im also posting thoughts and such in my head from time to time, enjoy.. no stealing if you want to use my works shoudl I post anything of interest, please keep my name Ravenlie attatched to it, and an email of intended use. also this also became a dumping ground of bullcrap.. and we use cookies appearantly.. dunno if th enotice works.
Hi, Im writting here for a table top story game amongst friends. Im also posting thoughts and such in my head from time to time, enjoy.. no stealing if you want to use my works shoudl I post anything of interest, please keep my name Ravenlie attatched to it, and an email of intended use. also this also became a dumping ground of bullcrap.. and we use cookies appearantly.. dunno if th enotice works.
Friday, January 15, 2010
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