Just a word

Hi, Im writting here for a table top story game amongst friends. Im also posting thoughts and such in my head from time to time, enjoy.. no stealing if you want to use my works shoudl I post anything of interest, please keep my name Ravenlie attatched to it, and an email of intended use. also this also became a dumping ground of bullcrap.. and we use cookies appearantly.. dunno if th enotice works.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

why do we care? mind the typos

its 5 30 am here.. Im feeling so sick, and frustrated. i've been trying to bust my ass for a company that doesn't give a shit.. to be fair its a huge corp. so for the most part they dont have a clue.. but the select few I have to work with are sickening..

I was asked a while back what keep me awake at night.. its something that I have been pondering for a while. Of course stress is typical answer. work, money kids, life.. blah blah blah..

but i have been trying to understand the shit in my head.

some of that shit is pretty neat stuff, ideas on crystal generated power, harmonic fequencies and how they can change the life we live.. free energy, rebelling against all the were taught not to. things were so much easier as a kid.. I'm sadly realizing over and over every day.
I find my self looking more and more for that safe place to hide everything I have and keep it safe for as long as I can. knowing dam right well that everything in this world as it is, is designed to tear it down and seperate it. I miss the ideals of the old days, yea the old day befor eI was born. what I was raised on though. hard work, honesty, respect. to not need drugs, or raise tem up above being a decent human to others.

I long so much for a safe place. A place where I can sit out side with out fear of not waering the right colors, being harassed for money and smokes, or drugs I dont have or do. a place where I can take my eyes off my kids while they play with out fear of them being molested, raped, murdered, kidknapped, bullied, pressured into more then just a prank... I mean maybe Im going stupidly hippy.. or something, but I was born in the 80's and my bigest cuss was Frig as I grew up.. then the 90's came and its all fuck fuck fuck fuck.. I'm tired of it. Im tired of gangster punks and school shooting goth trench coat gangs. im tired of hearing about how the goverment is implamenting a deprived sense of life with this new world order. im tired of seeing it happen right before my eye. I dont understand why we must sell our resources to forien bodies, when we have bums on the street, kids with out food, people with out jobs..

can't we see that this system we voted in isn't working? its been some 20 years since freetrade.. hell prolly more I can't rememeber.. why is it all about the greed. why do the rich get to enjoy bountiful holidays and vacations. why cant we as humans, be just that Human. not some greedy little fat kid with parent that solve all the problems so we dont have to think, just take take take..
Im not asking for a free ride, just the fair and equal oppertunity to bring home a pay check, pay the blls and feed/cloth my family with a bit of saving on the side for a trip here and there..

why doesn't canada fight anymore.. why dont canadians care anymore.. why can't we see the big pictures here and look beyond the narrow end of our black berries.

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