Just a word

Hi, Im writting here for a table top story game amongst friends. Im also posting thoughts and such in my head from time to time, enjoy.. no stealing if you want to use my works shoudl I post anything of interest, please keep my name Ravenlie attatched to it, and an email of intended use. also this also became a dumping ground of bullcrap.. and we use cookies appearantly.. dunno if th enotice works.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

chewing on thoughts

how do I say this.. I dont know
how do I under this I dont know
why is the answer never in sight, but felt in my heart.
how can I see this.. I dont know
how can this be the real deal. i dont know
why is my answers never in sight. why do I feel what is right, when it's wrong.

so many of us. so many computers.. ticking away the intagers of our programs. programing all the while were processing.

emotion causes an electrochemical response. one measurable. thus emotion can generate such a charge, that engery can be displaced to an out put.
a crystal can cause charge underpressure. if numerous crystals pressed and conected it would be said to generate a larger charge.
human dna shows characteristics of said crystals in this regard. place a large sum of dna in a vat and place under pressure. would the charge be enough.
can one apply pressure though magentics?

if one crystal of significant weight/mass/density was placed in a magnetic field and thus pressurized to its maxium potential would said crystal dispence enough charge to sustain a circet with out draining itself? given the internal structure of a crystal, it can be theorized a crystal can replenish that energy with a pulsating pressure. does this form somethign akin to AC ? or is it just an unstable DC line.

what does this have to do with the human dna? creating a large enough magnetic field one could suggest an effect simalar to the above stament.
I am not a physist or scientist of any sorts. but I am awake. and I understand.

when I feel. I am. when I am. I am awaken to the lies of the truths of your reality.
some can say its a farce, a dillusion of the mind, forumed to proctect me from the pain and vicious realization that I was abused as a child.

as i walk through this valley in the shadow of death I denouce all and any concepts of what is said to be real. I have seen the truth. I have seen the pasts. I know my future.

I am as to you, as you are to me, and I AM POWER. can humans fly unaided by there safe guarding machines.. YES. by polarizing their entire self of an opposite or opposing charge one can,will, and has achieved lift.

Can human Hear the voices of Others? YES. should one modifiy their mental fequency. like listening to someone elses satalite radio. just tune into the right channel and we all have our own channel.

can we control the rain? winds ? seas and the life around us? YES. our will is as to life what light is. with out it there is nothing.

we are all power. we are all singularities. we contain with in us the electrochemical reactions to achieve everything. we are knowledge of our past and future.

how? how do you produce such effects.. you must do. this is the words of my unspoken sight. there is no if's, there is no hopes and dreaming. there is only the action that defines our reality.
these are not the word of God. the word of aliens. spirits or all mighty, all seeing, all knowing divinity of any accord.
we are the Gods. we are the everything in our world. from the animals to the skys, winds, fires and the pain we endure.

the laws of physics we limited our selves to. we created the hypothesis that defined our laws of physics. we confined ourselves. we taught ourselves to limit, control and fear. our theories limited and controlled by sectular independant co-depenadant thoughts filled with selfconcious worries and insecurities of our peers. in a time when the witch burned and the blacks were stripped of their human skin.

narrow and limtied theories defined our laws of what we know to be the laws of nature life physics. and now? after so long. after so many idiotic excuse's of expiriments defined on those principles we have breach what we knew to be true. only for that new revelation to be dwarfed by the need of capitolism. what can we make? what can we sell... weapons of war.. computers and facebook to control the masses.

connectic redemtion. so what is to come? or follow.. do we all drink the cool-aid and whisp our etheral selves to the mothership? succomb to the mass enslavement of the theorized reptilian annuaki after our gold? fall and bow to the NEW WORLD ORDER?
endure the police state and let our women and children be rapped and murdered by the very soldiers to "protect us".. turn def ears to our goverment, as long as we get our tax return? ..

affriad yet? no? look now. look to your families. your friends.. their lives. look at it all. looka round at your material's .. xbox. computers. tv's. your cat, your dog.. you home. how much is on the credit cards? how much is actually yours? even if you paid full. even if its all seems yours. is it? no. you dont own the land you live on, the revenue companies can come and take it away, one lie can split and severe your family ties and friends alike.one simple misunderstanding and your life as you knew it would be uplifted rended by the fickle and dangerously frivilous masses then tossed aside once there unending hunger for more found somehting more to chew.

does this has relevance? yes, of course it does. the world that has taken us under its wing. its not the white feathered wing of a merciful dove or guiding angel. its smooth and cold leathery wing, tipped of loathing, endorned with fear,and is only protecting us until the capitolistic beast it's attatched to needs to feed. like a shark feeding off its nurtured young. should we not leap from our nest,should we not free ourselves of the oppessive insecureties we hide from, and should we not Choose to leave the false saftey of our seragant mother and live life for what it is..
that very beast that held us close and safe will spread her wings and envelope us all in the self destructive nature of the human condition.

when you realize you are the all and everything of the world around you. that we can connect to each other with out machines. that we can become power. that we can raise to a true potential as everything and one. a singularity, omni potent, self renewing source of energy and power. then this beast, false mother.. will be for naught. a smere in the timeline of what our future is..

emotion causes an electrochemical response. one measurable. thus emotion can generate such a charge, that engery can be displaced to an out put.

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